Setting up Ubiquiti Wifi (UAP-AC-Lite) on Linux Ubuntu 16.04¶
installing the Unifi controller on Ubuntu 16.04. It will be used to control the Ubiquiti wifi model: UAP-AC-LITE
Caution: Post Setup note on possible insecurity¶
NOTE: After logging out of unifi at the browser level, I later found a nest of unifi processes still running, and blocking other processes from using port 8080. I also found this post claiming unifi setup on linux is very insecure. Indeed, some of hte unifi processes are running as root.
Show unifi processes
ps -aux | grep unifi
root 28116 0.0 0.0 17072 12 ? Ss Jun10 0:00 unifi -cwd /usr/lib/unifi -home /us
root 28117 0.0 0.0 17072 20 ? S Jun10 0:00 unifi -cwd /usr/lib/unifi -home /us
unifi 28119 0.0 0.6 3343864 53068 ? Sl Jun10 1:12 unifi -cwd /usr/lib/unifi -home /us
unifi 28135 0.1 5.7 4442860 461816 ? Sl Jun10 3:16 /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/j
unifi 28968 0.1 0.9 1045124 78456 ? Sl Jun10 5:08 /usr/bin/mongod --dbpath /usr/lib/u
Report the status of the systemd unifi service
sudo systemctl status unifi
● unifi.service - unifi
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/unifi.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Sun 2018-06-10 19:01:40 PDT; 2 days ago
Process: 27877 ExecStop=/usr/lib/unifi/bin/unifi.init stop (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Process: 28057 ExecStart=/usr/lib/unifi/bin/unifi.init start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 28116 (jsvc)
Tasks: 910
Memory: 653.6M
CPU: 9min 38.339s
CGroup: /system.slice/unifi.service
├─28116 unifi -cwd /usr/lib/unifi -home /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64 -cp /usr/share/ ├─28117 unifi -cwd /usr/lib/unifi -home /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64 -cp /usr/share/ ├─28119 unifi -cwd /usr/lib/unifi -home /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64 -cp /usr/share/ ├─28135 /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java -Xmx1024M -XX:ErrorFile=/usr/lib/u └─28968 /usr/bin/mongod --dbpath /usr/lib/unifi/data/db --port 27117 --unixSocketPrefix /
Jun 10 19:01:39 user-desktop systemd[1]: Starting unifi...
Jun 10 19:01:39 user-desktop unifi.init[28057]: * Starting Ubiquiti UniFi Controller unifi
Jun 10 19:01:40 user-desktop unifi.init[28057]: ...done.
Jun 10 19:01:40 user-desktop systemd[1]: Started unifi.
Stop the unifi service:
sudo systemctl stop unifi
ps -aux | grep unifi
<empty result>
So stopping the unifi service has temporarily solved the problem. Of course the unifi browser program will not run, but that doesn't affect the operation of the wifi once it has been set up.
Getting to the correct URL¶
The right place to start is UniFi - How to Install & Update via APT on Debian or Ubuntu.
FYI, It's three link-hops from from the quick-start guide to that page: - quickstart guide - "UniFi 5.7.23 Controller for Debian/Ubuntu Linux". - Ignore the download button on the right hand side, instead open up the release notes. - See the line with a link "HERE": "For Debian/Ubuntu users, please update your APT source see HERE".
It's best to start by installing/confirming the MongoDB version you want to use, and then install Ubiquiti's unifi software. The reason for that is that unifi will create start running and create a mongo database immediately with whatever MongoDB version is already installed or installs automatically with unifi. Then, when updating the MongoDB in the next step, that database might be incompatible and you might have to remove it.
Installing MongoDB¶
We are following MongoBD instructions which succesfully installed version 3.6.5.
Beware! Don't use this page, it is out of date!
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv 2930ADAE8CAF5059EE73BB4B58712A2291FA4AD5
echo "deb [ arch=amd64,arm64 ] xenial/mongodb-org/3.6 multiverse" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-3.6.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-org
Optionally a specific version can pinned, but we skip that:
echo "mongodb-org hold" | sudo dpkg --set-selections
echo "mongodb-org-server hold" | sudo dpkg --set-selections
echo "mongodb-org-shell hold" | sudo dpkg --set-selections
echo "mongodb-org-mongos hold" | sudo dpkg --set-selections
echo "mongodb-org-tools hold" | sudo dpkg --set-selections
Start the systemd service mongod
. Note that is is mongod
without a b
at the end! Confirm it's status:
systemctl start mongod
systemctl status mongod
● mongod.service - High-performance, schema-free document-oriented database
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/mongod.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Sun 2018-06-10 10:47:09 PDT; 10s ago
Main PID: 27814 (mongod)
Tasks: 23
Memory: 38.9M
CPU: 636ms
CGroup: /system.slice/mongod.service
└─27814 /usr/bin/mongod --config /etc/mongod.conf
There is compatibility problem between mongodb 3.6 and unifi 5.7. The latter is issues mongo commands that use a flag only found in mongodb 3.4. It is discussed here.
Although it might be possible to use the mongodb setFeatureCompatibilityVersion function, we used a different workaround instead:
sudo mv /usr/lib/unifi/bin/mongodb /usr/lib/unifi/bin/mongodb.old
cat << _EOF > /usr/lib/unifi/bin/mongodb
echo "[ $date ]: ${*}" >> /usr/lib/unifi/logs/mongod-call-args.log
exec /usr/bin/mongod ${*//--nohttpinterface/}
chmod 755 /usr/lib/unifi/bin/mongodb
The line
echo "[ $date ]: ${*}" >> /usr/lib/unifi/logs/mongod-call-args.log
writes the arguments passed by unifi to mongod into a log file for veiwing.
The line:
exec /usr/bin/mongod ${*//--nohttpinterface/}
removes the offending mongodb 3.6" incompatible argument from the arguments passed by *unifi.
Installing the Ubiquiti software¶
WARNING - installing the desired *MongoDB version first is recommended.*
UniFi - How to Install & Update via APT on Debian or Ubuntu
echo 'deb stable ubiquiti' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/100-ubnt-unifi.list
sudo wget -O /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/unifi-repo.gpg
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install unifi
Log files¶
- /usr/lib/unifi/logs/server.log
- /usr/lib/unifi/logs/mongod.log
sudo cat /usr/lib/unifi/logs/server.log
[2018-06-10 09:32:36,020] <main> WARN system - reload failed: file not found
[2018-06-10 09:32:36,478] <main> WARN system - reload failed: file not found
[2018-06-10 09:32:37,806] <launcher> INFO system - *** Running for the first time, creating identity ***
[2018-06-10 09:32:37,808] <launcher> INFO system - UUID: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[2018-06-10 09:32:37,808] <launcher> WARN system - reload failed: file not found
[2018-06-10 09:32:37,810] <launcher> INFO system - ======================================================================
[2018-06-10 09:32:37,810] <launcher> INFO system - UniFi 5.7.23 (build atag_5.7.23_10670 - release) is started
[2018-06-10 09:32:37,810] <launcher> INFO system - ======================================================================
[2018-06-10 09:32:37,818] <launcher> INFO system - BASE dir:/usr/lib/unifi
[2018-06-10 09:32:37,832] <launcher> INFO system - Current System IP:
[2018-06-10 09:32:37,847] <launcher> INFO system - Hostname: user-desktop
[2018-06-10 09:32:38,195] <launcher> INFO system - Valid keystore is missing. Generating one ...
[2018-06-10 09:32:38,196] <launcher> INFO system - Generating Certificate[UniFi]... please wait...
[2018-06-10 09:32:38,930] <launcher> INFO system - Certificate[UniFi] generated!
[2018-06-10 09:32:40,224] <launcher> INFO db - waiting for db connection...
[2018-06-10 09:32:40,724] <launcher> INFO db - Connecting to mongodb://
[2018-06-10 09:32:42,645] <launcher> INFO db - Connecting to mongodb://
sudo cat /usr/lib/unifi/logs/monodb.log
systemctl -a | grep unifi
unifi.service loaded active running unifi
systemctl -a | grep mongod
mongod.service loaded active running High-performance, schema-free document-oriented database
● mongodb.service masked inactive dead mongodb.service
Make Wifi unit and Unifi talk to each other¶
- find local lan ip addresses of wifi and PC
- ssh into wifi unit and and tell it the address of the PC to initiate handshake
- open unifi program in PC browser to return handshake with Wifi unit
- again ssh into wifi unit for final acknowledge of handshake.
find local lan ip addresses of wifi and PC¶
The Wifi unit, just by being plugged in to the LAN, should have started up and the light should be solid blue. It will have received an IP address via DHCP.
Find the ipaddresses of - the Linux PC hosting unifi - the Wifi unit.
Use ifconfig
to see the PC address. Below it follows inet addr:
enp2s0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
Use nmap
to see the Wifi address. nmap -sP
will ping all the addresses over a given range, and gather information about the responses. The range is determined by the Mask:
result returned by ifconfig
above. In this example case, the last first 24 bits of the address are masked. Translating that into CIDR format we get
, which is passed to nmap
. As shown below, the Wifi is identifiable by it's name 'Ubiquiti Networks'.
sudo nmap -sP
Nmap scan report for unknownF09FC273B889 (
Host is up (-0.100s latency).
MAC Address: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx (Ubiquiti Networks)
In the above example we found:
PC addr | Wifi Addr |
---|---| | |
ssh into wifi unit, set PC address¶
ssh into the device as user ubnt with the password shown here.
ssh ubnt@
ubnt@'s password: ....
BusyBox v1.19.4 (2016-01-19 22:59:59 PST) built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.
BZ.v3.4.14# help
UniFi Command Line Interface - Ubiquiti Networks
info display device information
set-default restore to factory default
set-inform <inform_url> attempt inform URL (e.g. set-inform
upgrade <firmware_url> upgrade firmware (e.g. upgrade
reboot reboot the device
BZ.v3.4.14# set-inform
As can be seen, in addition to the address of the PC, a port must also be specified. Ther default is 8080, but if that port is being used for something else on the PC, another port can be shosen.
open unifi program in PC browser to return handshake with Wifi unit¶
** firewall **
The PC might have a firewall blocking communications from the Wifi address. If ufw is the fireall, then communication from the Wifi can be allowed as follows:
sudo ufw allow from
View the rule:
sudo ufw status numbered
Status: active
To Action From
-- ------ ----
[ 1] Anywhere ALLOW IN
NOTE: During normal operation of the Wifi after setup it is not necessary to leave that hole in the firewall open. It can be closed like this:
sudo ufw status numbered
[ 1] Anywhere ALLOW IN
sudo ufw delete 1
allow from
Proceed with operation (y|n)? y
Rule deleted
Enter in browser address bar:
** untrusted certificate The browser will probably refuse to connect because of an untrusted certificate. Using the advanced options button, enable an exception for that certificate. Then the setup can continue.
You should see the unit appear ready to connect.
Enter a lot of ID's and passwords:
- SSID and password: To be used from devices, e.g. smart phones, to connect to the Wifi
- admin and password: To log into the unifi program
- device authentication and password: To
into the Wifi
again ssh
into wifi unit and set-inform
Login with new id/password given for device authentification, and enter the same set-inform
command as before.
ssh <device-auth-id>@
<device-auth-id>@'s password: <device-auth-id password>
BusyBox v1.19.4 (2016-01-19 22:59:59 PST) built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.
BZ.v3.4.14# set-inform
End of post